samedi 7 novembre 2015

2015 10 // Hello My Goals

Happy New Year 2015! 
I wish you and your loved ones a very good health, many achievements and tenderness!
The beginning of January is traditionally a period of good resolutions. For my part, I do not agree completely with the concept of these promises when they are too concrete, too guilt-inducing, since I am the first not to keep. In contrast, almost despite myself, the arrival of a new year brings to my mind a sense of hope and renewal, like a blank page to fill, fresh opportunities to advance in my life the way I want. This is after all an opportunity to reflect on our deepest desires, our projects and what we want to build or achieve.
This year, I decided to share with you the 10 intentions I want to breathe my year 2015. Inevitably, these 10 subjects are quite personal, more than what I'm used to offer, but I ' I thought some of them might resonate in others, and why not inspire you to start the new year off right.
♥ develop my personal projects
The prospect of the end of my studies opens up a field of possibilities for the projects I have in mind for a long time but never had the time to realize them. I would from next summer give me the means to realize some of my ideas, including a cookbook / lifestyle in the spirit of this blog, and perhaps something in the world of scented candles. ♥ Make more yoga

The year 2014 was marked by my great favorite for yoga. This discipline inspires me, relaxes me, makes me strong and feels good to my body as a whole. Through it, I learned to be more aware, to take more perspective vis-à-vis small daily hassles, and love my body for what it is capable of. In 2015, I want to dedicate as much time as possible to yoga, deepen my practice and share it with more people. I even have the secret dream of one day, perhaps, follow a professional training, even if I'm still far!
♥ Learn food photography
It's been about 5-6 years that I developed a passion for food photography - first by the cookbooks, I started collecting at that time, and through blogs, including that of Cinnamon & Vanilla, which when I discovered there almost 4 years, I was captivated by the beauty of its images. Yet I still have not taken the time to speak of, to train me on the issue. My pictures are always much too simple, not controlled, and I never leads me to improve. This year, I dedicate more resources!
♥ Manger homemade
Small Health worries that I have accumulated, but by conviction that this is what best fits my principles, I deleted in 2014 a huge part of my diet industrial products (ready meals, bought sandwiches, desserts, snacks, etc ...). Make tailored lunchbox myself really prepare nutritious and healthy snacks for the week, I concoct cupcakes that suit me, etc ... made me feel much better, to completely get rid of my addiction sugar (yet I was a sacred event, I can tell you!) and have more energy. Even if I do not spit on a few nudges "all facts" from time to time, which are practical and not necessarily bad if they are chosen carefully, I intend to continue this momentum in 2015 with 90 meals % home everyday. And of course, I could extend this spirit to other areas such as hygiene of the house and cosmetics!
♥ Follow my way to vegetarianism, without pressure
Because it is the logical consequence of all the information that I have assimilated interesting to me about the meat, both in terms of ethics that health and environmental impact, I do globablement eat more animal flesh for several months. I do not consider myself as long vegetarian, since I happened to make some exceptions when I felt (eg fish, oysters or a few), and because I refuse to impose on me the pressure supposes to put a name on my behavior. I move at my own pace, according to my own conscience, over my thoughts but also my culinary discoveries (you can not imagine how the range of my possibilities has widened since I am more sensitive to alternative unknown!). I will continue to educate myself on this topic in 2015, and maybe we'll talk more deeply if you are interested.
♥ Discover new horizons
I announce to you quickly, even if I intend of course you talk about that in more detail if the project is confirmed: it is quite possible that in the coming months are the last I spend in Barcelona. A job transfer my lover probably lead us to move to a very different European city when I finished school year. Although the start promises to be particularly exciting, I am pleased to discover a new way of life, northernmost, and add to my experience of more strings.
♥ Take better care of my health
I am one of those people who do go to the doctor in case of great necessity, sometimes prefer to do the ostrich.This is obviously ridiculous, since it is important to have constant monitoring, and many little problems can be resolved with a specialist. My constant leak overlooked dentists, for example, earned me great complications early this year, but I'm proud of myself at last grip on this side and have surpassed my apprehension. Try to be more accountable in 2015!
♥ Know manage my stress
This may not be seen to, but I am a very emotional person with a tendency to internalize everything and especially terribly self-demanding, to the point of achieving levels of stress lately that are no longer acceptable. This is not an easy subject to talk to me as very modest, but by talking to you today, I want to give me one more reason to address them: I absolutely get to reduce my anxiety, to let go decision and express my emotions in a healthier way.I have already started working on it for a few months, but I hope to achieve a radical change this year. I intend to give myself the means in interesting me more to aromatherapy, meditation, relaxation therapy, and by taking the time to express myself artistically (resume singing and guitar, drawing more ...). It's a long way, but I'll end up getting it happen!
♥ me more involved
It is a little ashamed, but I've never been a very committed, at least not publicly: I value too the wealth generated by the multiplicity of opinions as to try to impose my own. Yet I noticed over the years that some of the beliefs that govern my lifestyle reflected on this blog; my articles allow me to communicate on subjects that are important to me such as food and health education, transparency, or "slow" or use "green". This remains very light, but my modest visibility allows me to act in my scale, on these topics. It is important to me to continue the momentum. I am also currently interested in associations that I could support my personal life.
♥ Stay authentic
You know if you read me regularly: I have watched in recent years to free myself from a lot of social pressure to be fully myself, without fear of what other people even if my way of being does not really match what the West values ​​in general (eg remember my coming out of introverted). This is a very foolish! Mango & Salt, I have from the start been keen to remain myself, to be transparent (see my FAQ), to talk about the things that really matter to me rather than those who make the buzz, and make choices consistent face to the issue of gains and partnerships. Of course, I'm not 100% foolproof, maybe I did not always make myself clear, but I hope you feel my sincerity again this year and grant me your trust.
Do you have desires, wishes, goals for 2015?  
And Mango & Salt, do you want to see something in particular?

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